Akshay Kumar along with his wife Twinkle Khanna and kids Aarav and Nitara, is off to South Africa to bring in the New Year’s eve. Today being Twinkle Khanna’s 43rd birthday, Akshay thought of bringing in the special day with his wife Twinkle and took her out on the drive. Akshay took on Instagram and shared a picture of the two.
Well, well, Mrs Funnybones and her Mr surely look cute together. Even after so many years of marriage, they have kept the spice alive. (Also Read: Akshay Kumar and family catch up with an old ‘Jolly’ friend. SEE NEW PIC)
On the work front, Akshay will next be seen in PadMan which is slated to release on January, 26. Post the holidays, both Akshay and Twinkle will be promoting the film together.
Akshay is surely going to be one busy man in 2018, with four movies of his releasing in the year, namely ‘PadMan’, ‘Gold’, ‘Moghul’ and ‘2.0’. So for now, let’s just say the Khiladi has worked hard and deserves some time away from the glaring cameras and all the work.