Ali Fazal is currently in India shooting for his next, ‘Fukrey Returns’, but the actor has made quite an impression for himself in the West as well, with movies. The actor was seen playing a part in ‘Fast & Furious 7’ and his international flick, an Indo-Canadian venture, titled ‘For Here Or To Go’ is soon to release in America.
The film was shot two years back and will see Ali playing the the lead role. The movie is set against the backdrop of 2008 recession and will have a series of comic events that show the harsh reality of immigration issues faced by thousands of people in the US. Ali’s character is an aspiring candidate for a lucrative job offer in the Silicon Valley, while he later finds himself in a lurk when his job position is dissolved owing to the recession.
The movie will release in the US by the end of March. The film had also premiered last year at the MAMI film festival and is soon to release in India this year.
When asked Ali about it, he said, “This issue of visa and immigration for several has been there right from the beginning and has always been sort of simmering and it was a great angle to bring this issue in front of every individual and currently, time has just been so relatable and made this film even more connective to audiences which also actually has a fun element in the narrative. This movie is made from true events and the producer brought this idea to me and I totally loved it and that is when I just said yes to this film. I hope audiences connect to it and love to this one too and find it relevant” (sic)