Post getting married on April 14 at Vastu, the newlyweds Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor have now hosted a lavish wedding reception in the city today and oh boy, it looks like a star-studded event. Quite a few celebs have marked their glittery presence at the wedding reception. Stars like Karan Johar, Ayan Mukerji, Akansha Ranjan and Alia’s girlfriends more have now seen arriving at the wedding reception venue. For the event, KJo was seen wearing a shimmery black suit along with a chunky black sunglasses to add a little swag. Whereas Ayan was at his casual best. On the other hand, Alia’s girlfriend were seen putting their best fashion foot forward.
Earlier, it was Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Bharat Sahni had arrived the venue. The mother-daughter duo opted for shimmery ensembles while Bharat looked dapper in a suit. The first members to arrive for Alia and Ranbir wedding reception were Soni Razdan and Shaheen Bhatt who were seen entering the RK house, flauting their perfect style.
Luv Ranjan who will be collaborating with Ranbir in his forthcoming next, Varun Dhawan’s brother and Ranbir’s good friend Rohit Dhawan, filmmaker Shakun Batra, Aditya Seal along with his wife Anushka Ranjan have now entered the RK house.
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After sharing the first wedding pictures on Instagram, the Gangubai Kathiawadi actor wrote, “Today, surrounded by our family and friends, at home … in our favourite spot – the balcony we’ve spent the last 5 years of our relationship – we got married. With so much already behind us, we can’t wait to build more memories together … memories that are full of love, laughter, comfortable silences, movie nights, silly fights, wine delights and Chinese bites. Thank you for all the love and light during this very momentous time in our lives. It has made this moment all the more special. Love, Ranbir and Alia.“