Ram Madhavan’s ‘Neerja’ is the most talked-about biopic in Bollywood right now. It’s been over a month since the film released, but we aren’t yet over with the bravery saga of stewardess Neerja Bhanot who gave away her life while saving lives of passengers on board a hijacked aircraft. ‘Neerja’ is being considered a breakthrough in Sonam’s career. However, we recently heard that Alia Bhatt was first being considered for the lead role! Why didn’t it work out then?
According to a report on Spotboye.com, Fox Star Studios, one of the co-producers of ‘Neerja’, had found Alia as an appropriate choice. However, Atul Kasbekar, the producer of the film, had a different opinion. He found Sonam Kapoor to be the ideal one as she is taller than Alia and would look great as an air-hostess.
However, director Ram Madhavan had earlier stated that Sonam was their first choice.
“She really was our first choice. And if she would have said no, then we would have looked elsewhere. I am happy she said yes. There were many reasons why Sonam (was chosen). She has been doing single female-oriented films where she goes up there and she helms,” he stated during a conversation with The Quint.
We don’t know if Alia regrets the loss but had it been played by her, ‘Neerja’ would have surely acted as a game-changer in her career too!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.
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