The pre-wedding festivities of Bollywood power couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have now begun today and we can’t keep down. After Neetu Kapoor visited the RK house and left for the venue, we saw Ranbir Kapoor’s mother once again with Riddhima Kapoor Sahni for the pre-wedding festivities. Moreover, actors Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Aadar Jain, Armaan Jain and Rima Jain were seen outside the Ranbir Alia wedding venue. Going by the pictures, everyone is decked up and it seems like the couple has started with the pre-wedding ceremony.
Though nothing is confirmed, the Kapoor clan look extremely beautiful. For the event, Kareena wore a gorgeous white lehenga with minimal makeup. Keeping her hair down, Kareena exudes royalty in the ivory ensemble at Ranbir and Alia wedding. Whereas her sister Lolo was wearing a beautiful mustard yellow dress while keeping her hair in a gorgeous bun. The Kapoor sisters seem to be sporting a Manish Malhotra creation. Speaking about the groom’s mother, Neetu is wearing a gorgeous white dress with a floral intricate design. On the other hand, Karan Johar and Ayan Mukerji who are considered to be close to the Brahmastra couple have arrived at the venue, looking in their traditional best.
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In the morning, Ayan even released a new song Kesariya from their upcoming movie Brahmastra as a wedding gift to his besties Ranbir and Alia. Raalia will be starring together for the first time in Brahmastra which is slated to release on September 9, this year.