Alia Bhatt made a triumphant return to the Met Gala red carpet in 2024, in her ethereal Sabyasachi sari. The Bollywood star’s choice of attire, a nod to the event’s theme ‘The Garden of Time,’ showcased her second appearance at the prestigious gala. Draped in a sheer sari adorned with delicate floral designs and a butterfly blouse featuring ruffled sleeves, Bhatt exuded elegance and grace as she graced the red carpet. But to everyone’s surprise Deepika Padukone had wore a similar saree as Alia Bhatt in the past.
Alia Bhatt or Deepika Padukone
While Alia’s ensemble garnered widespread praise, keen-eyed Redditors couldn’t help but draw comparisons between her Met Gala sari and the one famously worn by Deepika Padukone at the Marathi Filmfare Awards in 2017. Deepika Padukone and Alia Bhatt wore the sarees that were the creations of Sabyasachi. Despite the similarities, Alia’s interpretation of the ensemble showcased her unique style and flair, captivating onlookers with its timeless charm.
Patakha Guddi or Chikni Chameli
Similarly, few even compared her saree to Katrina Kaif’s wedding saree from 2021. Katrina Kaif also made waves with her Sabyasachi choice, opting for a tulle floral saree. Katrina’s dusty rose-pink saree, adorned with hand-cut English flowers and semi-precious gems and crystals, was paired with a full-sleeved blouse and a veil, adding a touch of romance to her bridal look.
About Alia Bhatt’s Met look
Styled by Anaita Shroff Adjania, Alia’s saree boasted a remarkable 23-foot-long embroidered train, a labour-intensive creation requiring the efforts of 163 individuals over a total of 1965 man-hours. Hand-embroidered with silk floss, glass beading, and gemstones, the floral saree featured hues of pink and green, accentuated by beaded tassels and a ruffled pleat on the front. Her blouse, with its sweetheart neckline, intricate embroidery, gemstone embellishments, and tulle bow detail on the back, added an extra layer of sophistication to her ensemble.
These three superstar Bollywood actresses in Sabyasachi looked surreal. Each saree tells its own story, but collectively they underscore Sabyasachi’s mastery in working with florals, each creation emerging as a masterpiece in its own right.
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