This morning, gossips mills went abuzz with the news that Alia Bhatt is not very keen to do ‘Aashiqui 3’ with her alleged boyfriend Sidharth Malhotra. The ‘Aashiqui’ franchise is very close to Bhatts as both the instalments of this franchise were a super duper hit. Then, we heard that the third instalment is in the making and apparently Alia and Sidharth would feature as the lead.
Though there’s no update on when the shooting of the same will begin, rumours started doing the rounds that Alia has given a nod to this film only for the sake of it, owing to the sentimental values attached to this film, but does not really want to do it. Well putting all these rumours to rest, Alia took to Twitter to dismiss all these reports. (Also Read:Â Breaking myths! 5 dietary commandments Alia Bhatt swears by)
She tweeted, “Never ever said anything about not wanting to do ‘Aashiqui 3’! No idea where this is coming from..” [sic] Her next tweet read, “Aashiqui is a very special brand & working with my father for the first time is equally special! All things take their time. This will too ?.” [sic]
With this, all the rumours can be put to rest now.
In an earlier interview, Sidharth had confirmed on being approached for ‘Aashiqui 3’. He had stated, “I was approached a while ago. It’s a great franchise, I loved ‘Aashiqui 2’ and I’ve worked with both its director Mohit Suri and Alia. We are waiting to get it all on paper. We want to present a better version of the franchise. Once we finish our prior commitments we will start on ‘Aashiqui 3’.”
We eagerly await ‘Aashiqui 3’, don’t you?
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.