Alia Bhatt is the latest celebrity to try her hands that the ‘Ask me a question’ feature on Instagram. Since the ‘Raazi’ has more than 23million followers on her social media handle, the pretty lady thought it’s her turn to ponder love on her fans and hence Miss Bhatt answered each question. Needless to say, the best ones which we found, were related to her boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor. Afterall, the duo is the ‘IT’ couple of B-town and we definitely cannot miss out on these two.
Shifting back to the ‘Student Of The Year’ actress’ question and answer session with her fans, when one of her followers quizzed Alia about her favourite food, the 25-year-old said, “I am Ghar ka khana kinda girl. Dal Chawal types.”
Let us go back in time for a while, when Ranbir Kapoor’s Neetu had mentioned in an interview with Firstpost, that the actor is ‘dal chawal sort of boy’ and she would prefer a girl who would understand how simple RK is. Neetu Kapoor had said, “Someone who will understand how simple he is. That he is a dal chawal sort of boy, that he is not very high maintenane and will not really appreciate having a high maintenance wife. He’s more like me, quite un-Kapoor, unlike the image he has. The best girl for him will be someone who loves him for who he is, not what he is.”
Looks like, Ranbir has found a perfect match.
Moving on, when Bhatt was asked if she would give up on acting post marriage, the actress replied by saying, “There’s no need to give up on anything but your status. I shall act and act as long as I can.”
Well, the ‘Gully Boy’ actress has her future plans sorted already and we are sure that her man, Ranbir and his family would approve of Bhatt’s choice. What do you think?
Also Read: Ranbir clicks yet another picture of Alia