A lot is being said and done about Kangana Ranaut and Hrithik Roshan’s alleged relationship. After Kangana sharing her side of story on Rajat Sharma’s talk show, it was Hrithik’s turn to speak his heart out, and he did so, on Arnab Goswami’s show. But amidst this hue and cry over who is right and who is wrong, Farhan Akhtar has penned a letter demanding gender equality on this case. (Also Read: Finally, Hrithik Roshan speaks up about his battle with Kangana Ranaut)
It is true that women, as they are looked down upon as the weaker section of the society, do suffer discrimination on various levels. But in legal cases, their words are almost always taken at face value, without giving the male in the matter a benefit of doubt. In this battle between Kangana and Hrithik, it is difficult to pick sides as there are quite a few loopholes in the allegations made. This is what Farhan has rightly put in the letter that he has written on Facebook.
Quoting, “Although it is true that in most cases it is a woman that has been wronged, there is a difference between ‘most’ and ‘all’.
However few and rare they may be, there have been cases where men have been stalked, harassed and falsely accused. This reality has been accepted by the highest courts of our land,” Farhan makes a sensible point through his letter.
Read it here.
Source: Facebook (@farhanakhtarlive)
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A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.