On August 23, Amitabh Bachchan via social media shared the news of him testing Covid-19 positive. He has contracted the deadly virus for the second time. The megastar has been sharing updates on his health with his fans through his blog.
Today, in his latest blog, the actor shared his experience. He has been living in isolation and doing all his stuffs from making his own bed to making own snack, tea and coffee. He has also been taking care of his medication without anyone’s help.
He wrote, “Suddenly the exercise of making your own bed, cleaning your bath and toilet, wiping the floor, switching on the required plugs and switches, making your own snack and drink (tea and the coffee), folding and setting up the cupboard with your clothing, responding personally to calls and mobile responses, drafting your own letters .. and submitting yourself to the medication prescription by the doctors without the assist of a nursing staff .. ALL .. is what life in these times is made of ..And it is the most enjoyable and satisfying experience of them all.”
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Talking about his health, the Jhund actor wrote, “So .. to get back to the illness .. the feel of the ‘feelings’ is in its stable state .. which in present circumstances is the best that one can do , or should ..”
Big B further wrote, “One could say, and is often tempted to also, to announce betterment or even more, and find that the very next day your statement being overtaken by quite the opposite ..best then to be in reserve .. in restraint .. in quiet appreciation for those that send wishes, grant them the gratitude they deserve .. and breathe !”
We wish Mr Bachchan a speedy recovery!