Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has collected many accolades for his performances. The actor has gone ahead and done it once more for ‘Bhootnath Returns’. Big B has achieved another feat by delivering another long monologue in one take, without the aid of a teleprompter.
As per sources, “The scene was an intense, satirical take on the current situation in the country, and the frustration of the common man against the prevailing scenario. The long monologue included some 15 to 20 lengthy sentences. It needed to be delivered with heightened emotion. And he (Bachchan) did so with great ease. Everyone on the set was left awestruck.”
The director of the movie, Nitesh Tiwari, says, “It was a lengthy line with powerful words, which needed to be shot in a single go. Though we had arranged for a teleprompter for his convenience, Mr. Bachchan waved it away saying he did not need it, and delivered the entire monologue in one take with apt emotions and expressions. We didn’t need any other takes or re-shoots; the scene was just perfect.”
Well no wonder Big B is known as the Shahenshah of Bollywood.