Megastar Amitabh Bachchan’s ‘Te3n’ directed by Ribhu Dasgupta is soon to hit the theatres. The makers of the film have adopted a number of innovative strategies to evoke curiosity among the audiences; one important among them being how the title has been written. In the recent times, we have seen how makers of a number of films have gone overboard to ensure that films are marketed properly. When asked what he felt about it, Bachchan had the perfect answer.
“You have to understand one thing. In our times, films used to run for twenty five days, or fifty days. Today they run for three days, and the money is recovered. In order to make this profit and viability of the film in three days, you require this kind of marketing. You need to go out of the way and tell people. Attention-span of this generation is very short. They quickly want to get results and move on. So they would quickly go, watch the film. So, it has become necessary,” he said.
We do agree. Apart from the challenge of having to brainstorm and come up with kickass marketing strategies, there is often a jam of releases with two or three (or more) films hitting the screens together. Certainly, investors want to grab most of the eyeballs towards themselves.
Bachchan, in ‘Te3n’ plays a grandfather who has been looking for his granddaughter’s kidnapper for years now. Helpless and full of agony, his character has a unique smell of its own.
Produced by Sujoy Ghosh, ‘Te3n’ hits the theatres on June 10.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.
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