Actors Amitabh Bachchan and Rashmika Mandanna have now released the new trailer of Goodbye which looks quite promising. The trailer features, Amitabh, Rashmika, Neena Gupta, Pavail Gulati, Ashish Vidyarthi, Sunil Grover and Elli AvrRam. The Goodbye trailer promises wholesome entertainment.
The trailer starts with an argument between Rashmika and Amitabh who essay the role of daughter and father respectively. However, due to a certain change of events, Rashmika’s mother passes away, but the cauldron of emotions leaves us intrigued. To perform the final rites, Amitabh’s character calls his sons together who lead different lives in other states and countries. However, the chaos begins when everyone has different ideologies. There’s a constant word of a spat between the father and daughter on logic and tradition.
Watch the Goodbye trailer here:
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After watching the Goodbye trailer, it makes us understand the family’s importance in difficult times. Even though it narrates a story of tragedy but it is backed by comedy that makes a delightful watch.
Also read: Rashmika Mandanna wraps Goodbye shoot, calls co-star Amitabh Bachchan ‘world’s bestest man ever’