When it was announced that Rashmika Mandanna and Amitabh Bachchan were teaming up for a slice-of-life film revolving around a funeral, titled Goodbye, there was a lot of excitement and expectations from this team up. Recently, the trailer of the film was unveiled and it made the audiences laugh, cry and feel all sort of emotions in this father-daughter bond, living up to all the expectations. Now, the team of Goodbye has released its first song Jaikal Mahakal, and the pain and grief of Amitabh Bachchan, Rashmika Mandanna and their family will strike an emotional chord with you.
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Composed by Amit Trivedi, who has also crooned it with Suhas Sawant, Jaikal Mahakal has some beautiful lyrics penned by Swanand Kirkire. It aptly encapsulates the last journey of Neena Gupta’s character in the film after her death and the experience of the whole family as they deal with this tragic loss in their own ways.
Check out the song here:
The way the video moves between the family dealing with the grief and remembering the good and loving memories with the bereaved character will make you feel a part of their family. It also makes you feel their emotions and relate to them. And with the melodic and soulful voice of Amit Trivedi accompanying it, you cannot help but feel immersed in the whole song and its experience. It will surely make you want to see the film all the more.
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Starring Bachchan and Rashmika, Goodbye also features Neena Gupta, Pavail Gulati, Elli AvrRam, Sunil Grover, Shivin Narang, Ashish Vidyarthi, Sahil Mehta and Abhishekh Khan. The film is directed by Vikas Bahl and produced by Ektaa R Kapoor. Goodbye is eyeing the release date of October 7, 2022.