Amitabh Bachchan was recently all praise for his son Abhishek Bachchan as he talked about going through multiple heartbreaks while he survived his time in Bollywood. Big B said that he is proud of when Abhishek has come so far and also takes pride in the struggle that he has gone through. Abhishek revealed in a recent interview that he has been on the dark of being an unemployed actor but he rose above that.
Abhishek told Rolling Stones, “I’ve seen the good side of being an employed actor, I’ve seen the other side of being an unemployed actor. The point is, you can’t take things personally… At the end of the day, it’s just business. If your films are not doing well, nobody’s going to put money on you to make another film. So, I do believe that the conversation around this whole nepotism has become a bit convenient. And we’re forgetting certain details. I’ve… It’s taken a lot of effort, a lot of heartache and heartbreak to make it through these 21 years. It’s not been easy.”
The actor added, “It took me over two years to get my first film. A lot of people would think that being Mr. Bachchan’s son, people are going to be lined up around the block. No, they weren’t. I spoke to almost each and every director before starting, and they did not decide to work with me, and that’s fine.”
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Reacting to the interview, Amitabh Bachchan took to his Twitter account and applauding his son Abhishek, he wrote, “One doesn’t achieve anything without struggle. I am proud of your struggle, I am very happy about your achievements. I hope the words of (your) grandfather and blessing be by our side for generations to come from generation to generation.”
Meanwhile, Abhishek was last seen in the movie Bob Biswas and he has been garnering a lot of praise of his performance.
Also Read: Amitabh Bachchan congratulates Sham Kaushal on Vicky Kaushal’s wedding to Katrina Kaif