Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has done what no other actor had done before. Well you must be wondering what? He has given a solo hit at the age of 71 years. The film in question is T-Series and B.R. Films’ Bhootnath Returns’. The film has surpassed the entire run of the first edition.
As per sources, ‘Bhootnath Returns’ started on dull note on the opening day (4 crore) but it kept on improving as days progressed, ending the opening weekend with nearly 18 crore. The next two days (Monday and Tuesday) added another 7 crore plus . Therefore has thus netted in excess of 25 crore in five days flat!
Not only that, the film can well and truly be termed a solo Amitabha Bachchan starrer, and as things stand, ‘Bhootnath Returns’ is all set to be a hit.