Bollywood showman Raj Kapoor’s grandson Armaan Jain has things already looking great for him. His debut filmLekar Hum Deewana Dil’s trailer is getting rave reviews, The movie is produced by his brother in law Saif Ali Khan. And the Shahenshah and Badshah of Bollywood are backing him.
Amiatabh Bachchan tweeted
T 1482 -Another family member into film fold – Armaan, in ‘Lekar Hum Diwana Dil’ .. all good wishes .. Looking good !! Watch Utube !
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) May 14, 2014
Big B’s daughter Shweta is married to Armaan’s first cousin Nikhil Nanda (son of Raj Kapoor’s elder daughter Ritu Nanda).
Shah Rukh Khan too tweeted
Just saw Armaan’s Lekar Hum Deewana Dil trailer….my little football partner (Armaan) looks gorgeous in the film. Allah bless u & the film.
— SHAH RUKH KHAN (@iamsrk) May 14, 2014
Well Shah Rukh along with his son used to play football with Armaan and the other kids. Lekar Hum Deewana Dil is directed by Arif Ali, Imitiaz Ali’s brother will release on 4th July 2014.