Last night, it was like a huge celebration across the whole nation as India faced Pakistan in their opening match at the ongoing Asia Cup 2022. The cricket match became a huge spectacle across the nation and everyone unanimously burst in joy as India clinched the win in the last over with Hardik Pandya hitting the winning six on the second last ball of the whole match. While the whole country celebrated the win in their own way, Ayushmann Khurrana and Ananya Panday had their own twist to it that won the hearts of netizens all over.
Taking to Instagram, Ananya Panday shared a video with Ayushmann Khurrana, Abhishek Banerjee and Manjot Singh, seemingly playing cricket in a house while Sidharth Malhotra and Katrina Kaif’s Kala Chashma plays in the background. Giving a unique take to the viral trend on Instagram reels, the actors incorporated cricket into it as well, as they celebrated Team India’s win. Along with the video, the actress wrote, “Jeet gaya India!!!! (sic)”
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Each and every person in the video seems to be having a blast grooving to the tunes and giving their touch to this trend that became viral through a wedding dance video. Even people seeing the video seemed to have enjoyed it quite a lot. Ayushmann’s brother, actor Aparshakti Khurana commented on the video, “Hahaha… bestttt!!!!!”, whereas Ayushmann’s wife Tahira Kashyap wrote, “Hahaha what fun”.
With so much talent coming together, it has also lead to speculations if there is a project on the cards with Ayushmann and Ananya in the lead. While there has been no information or any buzz around that yet, the two would sure make for an interesting pair on screen.
Also Read: Ananya Panday on shooting for Kho Gaye Hum Kahan: It seems like someone is dissecting my life