Ananya Panday shared a new selfie of herself on her Instagram and got a reaction from her bestie, Suhana Khan. The actress took to her Instagram and made the post on Friday. She shared a selfie of hers dressed in a chocolate brown dress. Ananya flaunts her perfectly toned body in the photo and looked marvellous.
In the photo, the Dream Girl 2 actress is wearing the bodycon brown dress. She has left her tresses down and perfectly styled her look. Ananya opted for a swanky eye makeup for her outing. She completed her simple look with turquoise Kaajal. The actress mentioned how she copied the style from her mother, Bhavana Pandey, who wore turquoise Kaajal in her 20s. Ananya also carried a sling bag for her day out and donned sunglasses, as she smiled for the selfie.
As Ananya Panday made the post on her Instagram, her bestie Suhana Khan took to the comments section and reacted. The Archies actress wrote, “The turquoise Kaajal,” reacting to the post in the comments.
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Sharing the post, the Dream Girl 2 actress wrote, “Randomly craving hot chocolate also my mom used to do this turquoise kaajal when she was 20 and I’m fully copying her.” Her mother, Bhavana Panday also reacted to the post in the comments section. She wrote, “And it looks faaaabbb.” And, for her look, Bhavana complimented Ananya for her turquoise kaajal style and said it looks fabulous.
On the work front, the actress was last seen in the movie Gehraiyaan. She has the film Dream Girl 2 with Ayushmann Khurrana, in her kitty. Panday even has the movie Kho Gaye Hum Kahan with Siddhant Chaturvedi and Gourav Adarsh in the pipeline.
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