Anil Kapoor and Juhi Chawla are two of the most seasoned and experienced actors in Bollywood. Both these actors have a great pedigree and have spent over three decades in the Hindi film industry. Now, Anil Kapoor and Juhi Chawla are sharing the screen space in Shelly Chopra Dhar’s ‘Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga’.
In an exclusive chat with Bollywood Bubble, Anil Kapoor and Juhi Chawla were quite chilled out and made some candid confessions. Anil Kapoor was asked about his experience of sharing the screen space with daughter Sonam Kapoor and he replied jokingly, ”Shelly Chopra Dhar (director) okayed Sonam in one take, but I had to give three takes.”
Juhi Chawla also joined in the fun and when asked about the mystery behind her innocence she said, ”Entire credit goes to the team and it was a collective effort.”
Talking about her co-actor Anil Kapoor, Juhi shared, ”Anil works hard and makes others also extra work hard. He (Anil) still works hard at his craft and was quite active on the sets during the shoot of the film.”
‘Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga’ has received mixed reviews from the critics and audiences alike. The film deals with the sensitive topic of same-sex relationships.
Watch the full interview here:
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Also Read: ‘ELKDTAL’ Box Office Report: Sonam Kapoor starrer witnesses a rise in its first weekend collections
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