Anil Kapoor took to social media to share the title of his next song ‘Achche Din’ from the upcoming film ‘Fanney Khan’. The actor shared a picture where he is seen standing against a taxi wearing the taxi driver’s uniform, with a question ‘Mere achche din kab ayenge’. The actor also stated if you have a similar question, of Achche din then you are a Fanney Khan too.
Anil Kapoor posted the picture and wrote, ” Agar aapke dil mein ye sawaal hai ki mere #AchcheDin kab aayenge, toh aap bhi #FanneyKhan hain! My favorite song will be out soon! #AishwaryaRaiBachchan @RajkummarRao @divyadutta25 @ItsAmitTrivedi @Irshad_Kamil @RakeyshOmMehra @ROMPPictures @AtulManjrekar @fanneykhanfilm”
Check out his tweet here:
Agar aapke dil mein ye sawaal hai ki mere #AchcheDin kab aayenge, toh aap bhi #FanneyKhan hain!
My favorite song will be out soon!#AishwaryaRaiBachchan @RajkummarRao @divyadutta25 @ItsAmitTrivedi @Irshad_Kamil @RakeyshOmMehra @ROMPPictures @AtulManjrekar @fanneykhanfilm— Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) July 18, 2018
Anil Kapoor portrays the role of a common man who struggles to make a livelihood by driving a taxi. An aspirational singer himself, he dreams to make his daughter a singer like Lata Mangeshkar. The makers have already released 2 songs, and both have been liked by the audience a lot. One showcases Aishwarya in a Beyonce avatar and the second shows the chemistry between Aishwarya Rai and Rajkummar Rao.
‘Fanney Khan’ has been making immense buzz ever since the announcement. The film brings back Anil Kapoor and Aishwarya together after 17 years. A one of its kind musical comedy, ‘Fanney Khan’ is a story about a father played by Anil Kapoor who wishes to fulfill the dream of his daughter who is an aspirational singer.
The film also showcases Aishwarya Rai Bachchan playing a singing sensation and Rajkummar Rao portraying the love interest of Aishwarya in the film.
Starring an ensemble cast, Fanney Khan will see Anil Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Rajkummar Rao and Divya Dutta in pivotal roles.
Also Read: ‘Fanney Khan’ actress Pihu on body shaming: I don’t understand why being fat or thin is not okay