When it comes to looks, Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor can give a run for money to any young actor. The ‘jhakaas’ actor recently posted the most romantic message for his wife Sunita Kapoor. The Kapoors celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary on May 19 and on the occasion, the ‘Dil Dhadakne Do’ actor wrote an emotional message for his wife Sunita on Instagram.
The 59-year-old actor posted a collage of old and new pictures of himself and his wife, and wrote these romantic lines, “Happy Anniversary @kapoor.sunita !!! Our house would never have become a home without you. Our kids would never have understood the meaning of family without you. I would have never experienced love without you. Thank you for always being my rock , my best friend, my lifeline & my soulmate!!”
Their elder daughter actress Sonam Kapoor, who also shared the post, wrote:
“My parents are super corny, but thank god for them, coz I’ll always believe in fairy tales because of them. I love you ak and Sonu, you inspire me every day with your love and commitment to each other.” [sic]
Anil Kapoor and Sunita’s younger daughter Rhea Kapoor is a filmmaker and a stylist, their son Harshvardhan Kapoor is all set to debut with ‘Mirziya’.
We wish the couple a happy wedding anniversary.
Also Read: Anil Kapoor: ‘Ramayana’, ‘Mahabharata’ can be executed for foreign audience
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