Actor Anupam Kher took to his Instagram account as he remembers his best friend Satish Kaushik on his birth anniversary. He dropped a picture slideshow video with him while penning down an emotional letter saying how much he misses him and some moments with him. Anupam also mentioned that he incorporated his good suggestions in his movies. Moreover, he also said that Satish would always be around him.
The slideshow video has some unseen pictures of Anupam Kher with Satish Kaushik which are priceless. He wrote, “Happy Birthday my dearest #Satish! May God give you all the happiness where ever you. For me you are always around. In pics, in food, in conversations, when I am on my own, when I am with people. Your memory is infectious! An update about #TanviTheGreat- we are on our shoot #Day34. It is going well. Touch wood. I have incorporated most of your good suggestions. Bad one I have kept aside. I miss your physical presence, your phone calls, your cribbing, our gossip sessions and your unbelievable sense of humour! Will always love you. #SatishKaushik #Birthday #Friend.“
Anupam Kher’s wish for Satish on his birth anniversary
The Mr India actor passed away on March 9, 2023, following a heart attack while he was on his way to a Gurugram hospital. He died at the age of 66, leaving his fans in the void. Anupam and Satish share a close bond offscreen and he is often sharing pictures and videos with him on IG. Kaagaz 2 was the last movie where Anupam and Satish shared the screen space.
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