Filmmaker Anurag Basu introduced fiery actress Kangana Ranaut in Bollywood with his romantic crime drama ‘Gangster’ in 2003. The director-actress duo went on to work together again in ‘Life in a Metro’ and ‘Kites’. And we all know that now they are all set to reunite after eight years for ‘Imli’.
‘Imli’ will also reunite Kangana with her ‘Queen’ co-star Rajkummar Rao, with whom she is already doing ‘Mental Hai Kya’. Apart from the fact that ‘Imli’ is going to be a romantic film, very little is known about this project.
Interestingly, Anurag Basu in a recent interview with Film Companion, talking about his upcoming projects revealed, “Yes I am making a film with Rajkummar and Kangana. I don’t know which one will release first, but there are two (films) I am making right now. There’s ‘Imli’—tentative title though… it’s a script I had written long time back. It’s very close to me, slice-of-life, a lot of things from my own life are in that film. When I narrated the script to Rajkummar and Kangana, they were excited. The other one is an ensemble-cast, multiple-story film. It’s a relationship story, and it’s set in four cities; Lucknow and Allahabad have also become metros now. In the last 10 years, a lot of things have changed in India. I’ll not call it a ‘Life in a Metro’ sequel though. A lot of the actors have said yes, but putting all of them together, in one given time, is tough.”
Looks like, ‘Imli’ is going to be a super-exciting film. What say guys?
Also Read: Anurag Basu finally opens up about Rishi Kapoor blaming him for ‘Jagga Jasoos’ failure
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