Anurag Kashyap has been called out by actress Payal Ghosh with respect to a #metoo allegation. The two have met the relevant authorities and given out their statements. Payal spoke to Bollywood Bubble candidly and opened up about all the issues that she faced and explained her side of the story. Have a look at her entire interview right here:
Now, Anurag has vehemently gone ahead to deny he reports and has released a statement via his lawyer to the press. Have a look:
Statement from Anurag Kashyap’s Lawyer, Priyanka Khimani
In an FIR registered with the Versova Police Station, one Ms. Payal Ghosh has alleged that in August 2013, my client, Mr. Anurag Kashyap, called her to his house and sexually harassed her. My client presented himself for questioning before the investigating authority on 1st October 2020.
Mr. Kashyap has denied all wrongdoing in the matter and has provided his statement to the police. The material provided by Mr. Kashyap, in support of his statement, demonstrates that the complaint of Ms. Ghosh is an outright lie. Mr. Kashyap has provided documentary proof of the fact that throughout August, 2013 he was away in Sri Lanka in connection with the shooting of one of his films. Mr. Kashyap has categorically denied that any such alleged incident ever took place and has also denied all allegations levelled against him.
These sudden, belated allegations of an alleged incident of August, 2013 have been widely publicised by the Complainant for the purpose of vilifying Mr. Kashyap, irrespective of the outcome of the judicial process. Mr. Kashyap is confident that the falsity of the complaint has been exposed, not only by the evidence presented by Mr. Kashyap, but also the ever-shifting version of events put forth by Ms. Ghosh in the media. Mr. Kashyap is apprehensive that now that the falsity of her allegations in the FIR have been established, she will alter her version of events in the investigative process as well.
Mr. Kashyap is distressed with the false and reckless allegations made against him that have caused pain to him, his family and his fans. Mr. Kashyap intends to vigorously pursue the legal remedies available to him.
Mr. Kashyap vehemently denies any such incident, as has been alleged, and has sought for severe action against Ms. Ghosh for misusing the criminal justice system and for hijacking the Me Too Movement for her ulterior motives. Mr. Kashyap is confident that justice will prevail.
Also Read: #MeToo: Anurag Kashyap summoned by Mumbai Police in alleged sexual assault case by Payal Ghosh
Born a Movie Buff, working as a Film Critique and enjoying life as a Bollywood Reporter.
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