Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap does not bother to be diplomatic, when he is speaking for a cause that he believes in. He is also a truly honest person. This genuine man has been in a tussle with the Censor Board since he made ‘Ugly’. He feels that the anti smoking disclaimer in every scene of his film will spoil the movie and wants it to be released without it. Therefore has filed a PIL in Bombay High Court.
As per sources, now Anurag is faced with another battle, as to add to his problems, a senior cancer surgeon of Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH), Dr Pankaj Chaturvedi replied to his arguments. The Doctor supported the need of a disclaimer and has written about how many cases of cancer he has treated at his hospital because of smoking. Also how shocked he was to hear someone wanting to avoid this entire procedure.
When Kashyap heard this he got furious and upset. He lashed out, “A person who makes patients sign a form before surgery, saying the doctor is not responsible, wants to hold my film responsible for the social ill of smoking and make it my responsibility. That’s an irony. I don’t want to respond to people who don’t know what my fight is about and talk through their a**.”
Seems like our man is quite irate with this tirade against him.