Madhuri Dixit left the internet in splits recently as she flaunted her model face in a hilarious video. Madhuri joined the recent trend where she managed to make hearts flutter by smiling without her eyes. The Dhak Dhak Girl joined the model face trend as she took to her Instagram account and shared a video in which she was seen knocking her make-up artist Florian Hurel down as she strutted down flaunting her model face.
Along with her fans, Madhuri made the Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma also double over in laughter. Anushka took to her Instagram account and sharing Madhuri’s video she wrote, “Queen”Â
Madhuri took to her Instagram account and sharing the video she wrote, “Just for fun #ModelFace ?(sic)”
Check out the video below:
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Madhuri Dixit is currently seen on the ongoing reality show, Dance Deewane 3. She is part of the judging panel with Tushar Kalia and Dharmesh Yelande. The show recently saw Bhoot Police cast Yami Gautam and Jacqueline Fernandez gracing the sets of the show.
Meanwhile, talking about Anushka Sharma, she is currently enjoying motherhood as she recently welcomed her newborn daughter Vamika with husband Virat Kohli. She was last seen in the movie Zero with Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif.
Stay tuned to this space for more updates.
Also Read: Anushka Sharma enjoys delicious dosas near Buckingham Palace; Says ‘Home away from home’