Anushka Sharma, who has been missing from the big screen for three years recently, took social media by storm as she announced her comeback film, Chakda ‘Xpress. The film was inspired by Jhulan Goswami and the Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi actress will be starring in the lead as the former Indian female cricketer who scripted history for women’s cricket in India.
Now, the actress has reportedly kickstarted the preparation for the cricket biopic and is set to step into Jhulan Goswami’s shoes. According to a report in Bollywood Hungama, the Ae Dil Hai Mushkil actress is currently following a routine that cricketers usually follow.
“Anushka Sharma has given us memorable female protagonists in Indian cinema. She is also known to transform herself for films and Jhulan is a film that will give us a chance to see a vintage Anushka performance. Anushka doing a film on women’s cricket is exciting from the very onset and the fact that the makers are trying to make it the biggest sports film inspired by a female sporting icon in scale and canvas makes things all the more exciting!,” said the report.
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Further, the source added that the actress will need to tailor-make her workout to achieve the kind of body and fitness level she needs to play Jhulan effectively. Chakda Xpress is being produced by Clean Slate Filmz.
Anushka appeared last in the 2018 film, Zero opposite Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif. However, being away from films has not barred her from being away from the limelight. She is quite active on her social media, where she often treats fans to glimpses of her personal and professional life.
ALSO READ: Chakda Xpress teaser: Twitterati can’t stop praising Anushka Sharma, fans say ‘queen is back’