Anushka Sharma is all set to make it to the enviable position of sharing screen space with the three Khan’s. She debuted with Shahrukh Khan in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, at the moment is shooting for PK with Aamir Khan and if the rumors buzzing around B’ Town are true she will also be sharing screen space with Salman Khan in Sooraj Barjatya’s next.
As per sources, Barjatya has approached Anushka and she has given her nod, Salman was initially hesitant to work with her due to her closeness with a certain Khan but as he is very close to Sooraj and is working with him after a long gap now he too has said yes. The film will go on floors by the end of this year as soon as Mental and Kick’s shoot is done.
Well Looks like a hat trick for Anushka to be the only actress to work with all the three Khan’s – ya ya we know apart from Kareena Kapoor.