On 11th December, the power couple Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli marked their 6th wedding anniversary. Time and again, Virushka have shelled major couple goals. They have never failed to make their fans and followers go in awe of the two. Virat and Anushka’s fans were waiting with bated breaths for the two to drop a love-filled photo on the big occasion and well, the wait is over!
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli drop a love-filled photo
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma are one of the most talked about couple all-time everytime! A while ago, the duo took their Instagram handle to surprise their fans with a pic full of love and smiles. Sharing the photo Anushka wrote, “Day filled with love and friends and family (heart emoji) got too late to post for the gram? 6+(infinity) of (heart) with my numero uno.”
Not only this but Virat Kohli also shared a pic with his dear wife Anushka Sharma. The actress can be seen hugging her husband Virat from behind. Sharing the photo, Virat captioned the post with heart and infinity.
Not only this but the actress also shared fun-filled glimpses from their wedding anniversary celebration with friends and family. The photos give a glimpse from their fun celebration as the duo were surrounded by their friends and family.
Anushka and Virat celebrate wedding anniversary
Anushka and Virat cut the wedding anniversary cake
Inside glimpse from Virushka wedding anniversary
Yesterday, singer Harshdeep Kaur took to her Instagram handle and dropped a special treat for Virushka fans. She shared memorable glimpses of Anushka and Virat from their wedding and it was backed with a wedding song that was not released previously. Anushka and Virat’s wedding song Peer Vi Tu has been released by Harshdeep. The song will fill your heart with love and only love.
Also read: Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli wedding anniversary: 5 Times Virushka created buzz this year
Vasima Kazi has stepped her foot forward in the entertainment domain and is thrilled by its buzz. She is an active part of the Editiorial team at Bollywood Bubble and gives a part of herself in writing about celebs, TV, movies, shows, and all things entertainment. She is keen on leaving a strong online imprint and bringing the best out of herself. Apart from writing, she would not mind grabbing a steaming cup of coffee and getting lost in her world of books and fiction.
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