Aparshakti Khurana and wife Aakriti Ahuja Khurana have been blessed with a baby girl, the elated actor shared the news on Instagram. Aparshakti also revealed that they have named their daughter Arzoie A Khurana. The actor’s post was showered with love from fans and his colleagues from the industry congratulating the new parent. The couple has named their daughter Arzoie A. Khurana. For the unversed, Aparshakti had tied the knot with his childhood sweetheart, Aakriti Ahuja on September 7, 2014. Now, the joy has completely overtaken their lives as the couple are the happiest parents in the world, and the entire Khurana clan is elated and is in a celebratory mood after the arrival of its youngest member.
A few days back, Aparshakti had shared an adorable video of his wife’s baby shower where the whole family came together to bless Aakriti on the joyous occasion and gave lots of wishes to the expecting couple. Earlier, the duo took to Instagram to announce that they are expecting their first child. Aparshakti and Aakriti shared the cutest picture ever to reveal that the latter is pregnant. Keeping up with his funny side, Aparshakti wrote a witty caption to share the good news with his fans. He said, “Lockdown main kaam toh expand ho nahi paya toh humein laga family hi expand kar lete hai (Our work couldn’t expand in lockdown, so we thought of expanding our family instead) #PreggerAlert.”
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In the monochrome picture, Aakriti is seen flaunting her baby bump while Aparshakti is seen lovingly kissing her bump. On the other hand, Aakriti shared the same picture and wrote, “Doing our bit to add to this Baby Boomer generation 🙂 #PreggerAlert”
On the professional front, Aparshakti Khurana will be next seen in the film Helmet. It is the actor’s first film as a lead actor and he is paired opposite the late Nutan’s granddaughter Pranutan Bahl. The film also features Abhishek Banerjee and Ashish Verma in pivotal roles. Brother and actor Ayushmann Khurana also posted an Instagram story and shared this good news as the best feeling.
Also Read: Ayushmann Khurrana and Tahira Kashyap drop adorable pics from Aparshakti and Aakriti’s baby shower