Academy-Award winning composer AR Rahman is all set for a special surprise for his fans on the occasion of his birthday, which was yesterday. The musician has recreated the iconic track ‘Urvashi Urvashi’, that too with some crowd-sourced lyrics.
The composer took to Twitter to share with his fans that he will be crowd sourcing the lyrics and the result that emerged was a brand new song. The song was with references to demonetisation and US President-elect Donald Trump. “The most beautiful thing about art is that it belongs to everyone and crowd sourcing is a great way to get newer audiences to connect,” said Rahman in a statement.
Also Read: Watch: A R Rahman -Virat Kohli shake a leg in ‘Naam Hai Futsal’
He adds, “It was a fabulous experience and what we’ve got is some interesting stuff filled with references to current events which is just as vibrant as the original one.”
The composer will be performing the same song entirely in Tamil on the Royal Stag Barrel Select MTV Unplugged Season 6, on January 14.
Isn’t that exciting? We can’t wait to groove to the tunes of ‘Urvashi Urvashi’, yet again.
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