It’s been a couple of months when singer Arijit Singh sent an apology to superstar Salman Khan through his Facebook post. The singer had pleaded to retain his version of song ‘Jag Ghoomeya’ in the actor’s blockbuster film ‘Sultan’. Arijit was in an apologetic state of mind during that phase, but this time the ‘Tum Hi Ho’ singer is angry with someone and he has taken to the same medium express his disappointment. The person is Abhijit Vaghani, the music composer of soon to release crime thriller ‘Wajah Tum Ho‘.
Looking at Arijit’s post, it can be assumed that the recently released song which was a reprised version of iconic song ‘Pal pal dil ke paas’ has made it difficult for Arijit to even recognise his own voice. The person to be blamed for this, according to Arijit, is composer Abhijit Vaghani.
Take a look at what Arijit has to say, here, in this Facebook post.
Also Read: The fate of his song in ‘Tubelight’ depends on Salman Khan, feels Arijit Singh
After this post, now we could only wait for a reply from composer Abhijit Vaghani on this sensitive issue.
‘Wajah Tum Ho’ stars Sharman Joshi, Gurmeet Choudhary, Sana Khan and Rajniesh Duggall in lead roles and is slated to release on December 2, 2016.
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.