The rift between Arijit Singh and Salman Khan could never be filled. Their relationship did go sour when the singer tried to take a dig at Salman’s hosting three years ago and then tried to apologise for it on a public platform. It did not go down well with Bhaijaan and the result was Arijit’s version of ‘Jag Ghoomeya’ getting replaced by that of Rahat Fateh Ali Khan. Well, now an update on this story states that Arijit Singh will never sing for Salman Khan henceforth and will not apologise anymore.
According to a leading web portal, Arijit Singh has decided to move on from this episode and he is no longer in a mood to beg for an apology. The singer has decided that he will not go on and on about it and will never sing for ‘Dabangg’ Khan again.
Now, this is quite a strong stand on Arijit’s part. In a short span of time, Arijit has managed to achieve a lot in this industry, but we don’t know what the effect of this spat of his with Salman will have on his career. Arijit has gems like ‘Tum Hi Ho’, ‘Janam Janam’ and ‘Muskurane Ki Wajah’ to his name.
Let’s wait and watch for Salman’s reaction over the same. Meanwhile, Salman is rejoicing his ‘Sultan’s victory at the box office.
Also Read: Salman Khan says he is not married and is yet to have s*x
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.