It’s exactly six days to go for Boney Kapoor and late Sridevi‘s daughter, Janhvi Kapoor‘s big Bollywood debut, ‘Dhadak’. The 21-year-old girl who lost her mum while shooting for her the film has emerged to be a stronger person, courtesy the constant support by her entire fam including her half-siblings Arjun Kapoor and Anshula Kapoor.
Janhvi, who has been going busy with the film’s promotions, is nervous and excited at the same time, as ‘Dhadak’ is inching towards the release date. However, to ease the tension off her head, her family is standing like a pillar by her side. Remember how her entire clan came together for the trailer launch of ‘Dhadak’? Well, the scenario won’t be the same this time, as Jahnvi’s beloved bhaiya, Arjun Kapoor, will be missing out on the grand premiere of her debut film.
Being the matured person that Janhvi is, the debutant isn’t upset with him. The reason why Arjun won’t be attending the premiere was revealed by Janhvi herself. According to a report in Bollywoodlife, Janhvi, in her recent interview said, “Arjun bhaiya and Anshula didi are not in town right now. Anshula didi is coming back earlier, on July 14 because I told her she has to be there for the first cast and crew screening. Arjun bhaiyya has some work, so he will be missing it. He’s coming back on July 18, so he will watch the movie after he returns to the city.”
We love how Janhvi has transformed into a wise person. Don’t you feel the same?
Talking about ‘Dhadak’, it also features Ishaan Khatter and is set to release on July 20.
Also Read: Janhvi reveals how she saw her late mother Sridevi