Bollywood star Arjun Kapoor is one such actor, who is a straight shooter and thinks from his heart. The ‘Gunday’ actor’s recent films might not have worked, but he takes criticism on his chin and moves ahead in his life. The handsome hunk is also in the news for allegedly dating Malaika Arora.
Now, the ‘Namaste England’ took to social media site Instagram and was sharing Insta stories. Arjun was stuck in traffic and asked his fans to ask anything and he will give the answers. There were quite a few quirky and funny questions and Arjun gave very cheeky and witty answers as well.
But, when someone asked about him about his sister Anshula, Arjun said she is his life. Arjun shares a very close bond with Anshula and is very fond of her.
The brother-sister duo have always cope with many adversities together and is very protective of his sister. After Mona Shourie Kapoor’s (their mother) death, Arjun and Anshula have become very close.
Recently, Arjun Kapoor has been in the news for his alleged romantic relationship with Malaika Arora. The couple have been spotted at various events and enjoy each others company. There are unconfirmed reports of Arjun and Malaika tying the knot in 2019.
On the work front, Arjun Kapoor is preparing for Ashutosh Gowariker’s ‘Panipat. ‘Panipat’ is a periodical drama and stars Sanjay Dutt and Kriti Sanon in lead roles.
We hope that Arjun Kapoor has a smashing 2019 and his bonhomie with Anshula stays intact.
Also Read: Exclusive: Arjun Kapoor and Parineet Chopra talk about their film ‘Namaste England’
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