Bollywood newbie actor Arjun Kapoor is on cloud nine. As he is now a member of the Rs. 100-cr club with ‘2 States’. The Chetan Bhagat novel has struck gold with this movie. ‘2 States’ has truly surpassed its expectations, and done business that is expected of a high budget film.
As per sources, an elated Arjun said, “It’s a massively good feeling to be part of a film that has not only done well at the box office but has also been unanimously loved by the audience. More than anything else, the success of 2 States is a kind of validation of the belief I had in the film and myself.
The audience have validated the fact that they like my work and it excites me today to know that no matter what genre I am attempting or what film I am doing, there is an excitement in the audience to watch me on screen. And yes, for sure, it feels special to have a 100-crore film.”
Arjun further added that, “People have actually come forward and thanked us for making this book come alive on screen. They’ve connected emotionally to the film… many young couples have connected with its essence and ethos… parental opposition, cultural differences and just the single-minded drive to make the relationship work, no matter what problems the world throws at it.
The audience has just emotionally attached itself to all these characters, because they are so identifiable, whether it is Krish (Arjun’s character), Ananya (Alia), the mothers (played by Amrita Singh and Revathy) or Krish’s fractured relationship with his father (Ronit Roy).”
At present Arjun is working for his upcoming movies ‘Tevar’ and ‘Finding Fanny Fernandez’.