With Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh finally getting married, the wedding season in B-town has officially kickstarted. After DeepVeer, now everyone is gearing up for Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ wedding. And if everything goes right, then ‘Gunday’ actor Arjun Kapoor too might very soon join the club.
Arjun Kapoor is allegedly dating B-town’s hottest mommy Malaika Arora. Off late, the rumoured couple has made several joint appearances in Diwali parties and several dinner dates. In fact, on Malaika’s 45th birthday, Arjun flew off with her to Italy. They were even spotted walking hand-in-hand at the Milan airport.
Now, as per a report in Mumbai Mirror, on Karan Johar’s chat show ‘Koffee With Karan 6’, Arjun has finally opened up about his relationship status. As Karan Johar prodded Arjun, the actor finally confessed that he is not single anymore. He went on to add that he has even introduced his girlfriend to his family, and his statement left sister Jahnvi Kapoor amused. Arjun will be appearing on the show, along with his half-sister Janhvi.
Answering Karan’s question as to what made him seek a stable relationship, Arjun said, “I finally feel like I have a sense of belonging and a family. From the moment these two (sisters Khushi and Janhvi Kapoor) and dad have re-entered my life, I have realised, you need a foundation. You need a life to build beyond chasing a Friday, chasing work, being on the social media and being relevant. You need something that keeps you grounded, keeps you happy, and that is companionship. You need something solid to hold on to!”
Well, we are happy that Arjun has finally found his soulmate but we will be happier if he openly talks about dating Malaika.
Now we are looking forward to yet another big fat Bollywood wedding. What about you guys?
Also Read: Watch: On a dinner date with Malaika Arora, Arjun Kapoor struggles to hide face from paparazzi
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PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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