Earlier today, headlines were all about a drunk man assaulting or rather manhandling actor Arjun Kapoor on the sets of his upcoming film ‘Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar’. Reports had it that this man wanted to shake hands with the star and when he got the opportunity to do so, he twisted the star’s wrists and manhandled him. Later, the drunk man was arrested. The shooting of this film is going on in Pithoragarh and it was there that the incident took place. But rubbishing all of this, Arjun Kapoor has slammed the publications for carrying such false news. (Also Read: Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra take the Indo-Nepal border by STORM)
The handsome hunk took to Twitter to clarify that no such incident has taken place and he also requested publications to not carry such false news as it leads to distress. He stated that as the news made it to the headlines, his entire family went under panic mode.
How come I have no clue about this happening ?
The crowd here has been peaceful. There might have been a disturbance off camera but the local force has never let it reach till me. My entire family was in panic this morning so using words like assault isn’t cool just for effect. https://t.co/Qd8yFWWUd2— arjunk26 (@arjunk26) December 7, 2017
Nobody from @TOIIndiaNews got in touch with my PR team or me to get clarity before carrying an untrue front page article about me being assaulted. Rather unfortunate & avoidable. Hope this doesn’t happen in the future cause it got my family distressed and it’s not appreciated.
— arjunk26 (@arjunk26) December 7, 2017
Source: Twitter
With this, reports of any kind of assault on the sets of ‘Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar’ can be put to rest.
Talking about this film, Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra have united after the gap of five years for a film. It was in ‘Ishaqzaade’ that the two stars made their Bollywood debut, in the year 2012. Their jodi was a hit and we look forward to see these two once again on the big screen in this film.
Apart from this, Arjun and Parineeti will also be seen in ‘Namastey Canada’.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.