Anubhav Sinha has been garnering praises for making some great content-driven films in recent times. The director of ‘Article 15’, which starred Ayushmann Khurrana in the lead, in an exclusive interview with Bollywood Bubble, spilled the beans on several interesting aspects of his life. During a fun segment, the filmmaker shared that in the film industry, you don’t have a fan following unless you are Karan Johar, Rohit Shetty or Rajkumar Hirani.
During a fun segment called-‘My Firsts’ when Sinha was asked about his first fan encounter, he replied that he doesn’t believe he has fans.“I don’t think I have a fan. Unless you are Karan, Rohit or Rajkumar Hirani, then you don’t have fans, you have admirers. So, they are quite a few I don’t remember actually,” the filmmaker said.
You can watch the entire fun segment below:
Coming back to his film, the socio-political drama, ‘Article 15‘ is being hailed as a must watch as it carries an important message to bring a change in the mindset of our society.
Set in the backdrop of discrimination in our country, on the grounds of race, caste, or gender, the film is receiving all the appreciation from the audience and critics alike. In the film, Ayushmann can be seen in a never-before-seen avatar, as the sincere officer, who embarks on a journey to bring the change in the society.
Also Read: ‘Article 15’ Banned: Anubhav Sinha files a case against the District Magistrate of Roorkee
Journalist by profession, having roots in Bollywood & Television. Perennially hungry for all thing Fashion. A good listener and attracted by the glitter of glamour world. I believe in maniacs…. Love, Smile & Blossom.
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