On Sunday, superstar Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s kids – Aryan Khan and Suhana Khan were spotted at the airport. They definitely make for a stylish brother-sister duo. For the airport outing, Suhana was seen flaunting her toned midriff by wearing a white crop top that she paired with grey joggers. To round her look, Suhana added a crop beige colour jacket, looking pretty as always.
On the other hand, Aryan Khan doesn’t ditch his brooding look once again. Wearing a grey loose t-shirt with blue joggers, Aryan makes his casual appearance at the airport today. He was seen carrying his own guitar case and suitcase.
Check out the video of Aryan Khan and Suhana Khan here:
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Just recently, Aryan & Suhana made headlines when they were spotted making a stylish entry at the Madhuri Dixit starrer Maja Ma screening being held in Juhu Mumbai. A video of the duo went viral where they were seen spending quality time with each other.
Meanwhile, reportedly, Aryan is said to make his directorial debut in Bollywood, on the other hand, Suhana is all set to make her acting debut with Netflix’s The Archies which is directed by Zoya Akhtar. It is the official Hindi adaptation of the popular Archies comics. In the film, she will be co-starring Khushi Kapoor, and Agastya Nanda alongside Dot, Mihir Ahuja, Yuvraj Menda and Vedang Raina. It will be released next year.
Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan got married in 1991. While their son Aryan is their first child, born in 1997, they had a daughter Suhana in 2000. In 2013, they had a son AbRam via surrogacy.