Superstar Shah Rukh Khan who has been ruling not just the Bollywood industry but millions of hearts is celebrating his 56th birthday today, November 2. Though it was reported that the actor wanted to have a low-key celebration this time, his fans still want to have a grand celebration as they have now flocked at his residence Mannat just to get a glimpse of him on his birthday at midnight. That’s right. A video of the same was surfaced online where thousands of fans were seen standing outside his residence to meet their idol.
That’s not it, they were even seen cutting a birthday cake for the Raees actor. Shah Rukh is one of the biggest stars across the globe and having said that, his fan following is also humungous. There never has been a day where fans have not visited him on his birthday. Every year, we get to see a crazy amount of crowd outside the gates of Mannat just to shower him with love and gifts. SRK even comes out to acknowledge his fans and to wave at them.
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Ahead of his birthday celebration, Mannat was all decked up with twinkling fairy lights. It is a double celebration for the Khans — one is SRK’s 56th birthday while the second one is the return of his son Aryan Khan who was arrested in a drug case.
On the professional front, as Aryan Khan was released, reportedly, Shah Rukh Khan will be resuming his projects. He will be next seen in Pathan along with Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. He also has an immigrant story with Rajkumar Hirani and an untitled film with South director Atlee. According to the buzz, Samantha Ruth Prabhu will be starring opposite the star, replacing Nayanthara.