Ayushmann Khurrana won’t be producing wifey Tahira Kashyap Khurrana’s big-screen directorial debut, revealed a source who also said that the film is on track. Over a year back, Ellipsis Entertainment had announced that it would produce Tahira’s debut directorial film which is tentatively titled ‘Sharma Ji Ki Beti’. The film is slated to be a fun, slice-of-life feature with a powerhouse ensemble cast.
The producers decided to delay the film to make cast changes and thereafter the pandemic took over. A recent report claimed that Tahira’s husband Ayushmann Khurrana will put his star power and step in as a joint producer on the film, thus marking his debut as a producer.
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Our source has junked off the speculation and said, “The film is on track. Casting is in progress. Ayushmann’s involvement is a rumour.” Tahira recently launched her book, “The 12 Commandments Of Being A Woman”, which received rave reviews from the critics and readers alike.
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