After actress Tanushree Dutta decided to come forward and speak up against all the harassment she faced, several Bollywood celebrities have come forward to support her. There are also a few celebs who have lent their support to veteran actor Nana Patekar and a few like superstar Amitabh Bachchan who have altogether refused to comment on the entire issue.
‘AndhaDhun’ actor Ayushmann Khurrana, commenting on how people are trolling and shaming Tanushree on social media platforms, told DNA, “I think people who are trolling her should be blocked and banned from Twitter. They should show some empathy. At the same time, an equal opportunity should be given to both the sides to justify themselves.”
The actor also further emphasized on the fact that it’s not important how late or early one speak up about such things, the only thing that matters is that both the sides should be given an equal opportunity. Chance should be given to both of them to present their respective versions of the incident.
Commenting on how some men in power are trying to avoid talking about this issue, Ayushmann was quoted saying, “I don’t know. Sometimes you just want to be apolitical. It’s a tricky situation.”
Well, thank you for pointing this out Ayushmann, and we hope that apart from women, more and more men come out and lend their support to this moment which may not be an equivalent of the Hollywood’s ‘Me Too’ moment but at least is a small step in that direction.
Also Read: Ayushmann Khurrana posts an inspirational message for his wife Tahira
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