Tiger Shroff and Shraddha Kapoor starrer ‘Baaghi 3’ has been creating a lot of buzz since its announcement. Disha Patani who was seen in the second instalment of the franchise has joined the team. Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment, the producer of ‘Baaghi 3’ took to their Twitter handle to announce the entry of Disha in the movie by sharing a video of the actress. The caption of the video read as: “Time for a small sneak-peak from the sets of #Baaghi3 Looks like the Baaghi fever just got higher!”
In the video, we see Disha in a vanity van and the excited actress says, “Hi Guys, it’s time for ‘Baaghi 3’.” She is seen wearing a white knotted T-shirt. The smoky eyes, curly hair added to her look and we are in love with her new get-up.
Watch the video here.
Time for a small sneak-peak from the sets of #Baaghi3 ?
Looks like the Baaghi fever just got higher! ?
@DishPatani #SajidNadiadwala @iTIGERSHROFF @ShraddhaKapoor @khan_ahmedasas @WardaNadiadwala @foxstarhindi pic.twitter.com/N0YKP4H42T— Nadiadwala Grandson (@NGEMovies) December 23, 2019
While Tiger and Shraddha are playing the lead roles in the movie, Disha is having a special appearance. The movie also stars Ankita Lokhande and Riteish Deshmukh.
The film has been shot in the exotic locations of India, Georgia, Serbia and Turkey respectively. Tiger has been trained for welding machines, shotguns, pistols and other weapons. It is slated to release next year.
Disha was last seen in Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif starrer ‘Bharat’. She will also be seen in Prabhudeva’s ‘Radhe’ that stars Salman Khan and ‘Malang’ that has Anil Kapoor, Aditya Roy Kapur and Kunal Kemmu.