Netflix India recently dropped the trailer of ‘Bard of Blood’ starring Emraan Hashmi. The web series is based on Bilal Siddiqi’s book of the same name. Emraan is playing a RAW agent (excommunicated) Kabir Anand. The trailer opens with the backdrop of Balochistan in Pakistan. We see a terror group celebrating the capture of four Indian spies of the Indian Intelligence Wing (IIW).
The Indian government calls back Kabir Anand aka Adonis to go for a mission to rescue the intelligence officers and he is accompanied by Isha Khanna (Sobhita Dhulipala) and Veer Singh (Vineet Kumar Singh). All three go to execute their mission in Balochistan.
If you haven’t watched the trailer, here it is.
Produced by Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment, ‘Bard of Blood’ is directed by Ribhu Dasgupta and will have seven episodes. It will start streaming on Netflix on September 27.
For more updates on ‘Bard of Blood’, stay tuned to our space.
Also Read: ‘Bard Of Blood’: Shah Rukh Khan’s goofiness and Emraan Hashmi’s spy tactics will win you over