The head honcho of Yash Raj Films Aditya Chopra is returning to direction after a gap of 7 years. He is all geared up to direct Bollywood’s latest blue eyed boy Ranveer Singh in the upcoming romantic film Befikre. The movie was announced by Aditya on his father the late Yash Raj Chopra’s birth anniversary. It will be filmed in the land of romance ‘Paris’.
Today being Valentine Day the Befikre team has landed in Paris to recce for the films location here. They tweeted on the official page of the film.
On the day of love, begins another love story. #Befikre recce takes off in Paris today!
— Befikre (@befikrethefilm) February 14, 2016
Soon they made another tweet but this time, a picture of Paris famous monument the Arc de Triomphe. There is also a heart-shaped rose-tinted glasses through which they are seeing the picture with a caption.“Those who dare to see through the eyes of love! #HappyValentinesDay from #Befikre.”
Those who dare to see through the eyes of love! #HappyValentinesDay from #Befikre
— Befikre (@befikrethefilm) February 14, 2016
‘Befikre’ will have Ranveer Singh romancing Vaani Kapoor of ‘Shuddh Desi Romance’. It will be releasing on December 9, 2016.
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