Filmmaker Bejoy Nambiar, who very recently tied the knot with his long-time girlfriend Sheetal Menon, is awaiting his next big Bollywood release ‘Wazir’. The film has already created enough buzz and we eagerly await checking out on the big screen. Meanwhile, the ‘David’ director says he very much wants to make a full length Malayalam film.


Incidentally, Nambiar made his debut in the Southern film industry with a short film. It was titled as ‘Reflections’, which starred Mohan Lal in the lead.

I would definitely want to make a Malayalam film. In fact, I have been working on a couple of story ideas for Malayalam film. I definitely see myself making a Malayalam film very soon’- he stated.

Coming from a versatile director like Nambiar, we are sure it’d be another cinematic treat for the viewers!

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