Arjun Kapoor on Monday took to Instagram to share a new poster for his upcoming film Bhoot Police. Bhoot Police, also starring Saif Ali Khan, Jacqueline Fernandez, Yami Gautam, is slated for a direct-to-digital release on Disney+ Hotstar. Arjun wrote, “Unravel the mysterious door of supernatural powers with laughter! Meet CHIRAUNJI in #BhootPolice coming soon on @disneyplushotstarvip(sic)”
After Arjun’s post, his lady luck Malaika Arora also shared the first look on her Instagram feed. Which Arjun reposted with a heart emoji. Meanwhile, Yami Gautam shared the first look of Kapoor as Chiraunji in the film. In the poster, AK can be seen holding a mashal in one of his hands along with wearing an all-black attire.
Directed by Pawan Kirpalani, the film was shot in Himachal Pradesh last year amid the coronavirus pandemic. It is slated for a direct-to-digital release on Disney+ Hotstar. Earlier this year, producer Ramesh Taurani had confirmed that Bhoot Police will have a digital release as he has got a good deal. He shared that he had no other option as theatres are closed. Originally, the film was supposed to release on 10 September this year.
Arjun had two releases this year. He was praised for his performance in Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar. Soon after, he appeared in Sardar Ka Grandson. After Bhoot Police Arjun has Ek Villain 2 in the pipeline.
Also Read: Bhoot Police: Kareena Kapoor Khan drops the first look poster of Saif Ali Khan as Vibhoot