With the #MeToo movement gaining momentum day by day, a lot of Bollywood celebs have come under the scanner. Even though, casting couch and other such things were known to be a part of Bollywood since a long time, not many women had the guts to call out sexual offenders by their names. While such a movement was long overdue, it’s anarchic nature also gives some people an opportunity to misuse it to malign someone.
Recently, an anonymous Twitter user had accused T Series’ head Bhushan Kumar of sexual misconduct. In a tweet, the anonymous user said that Bhushan Kumar had offered her a three movie deal in exchange of sexual favours. She had refused his advances, as she had family support and resources to survive in a city like Mumbai. She also said that some women may not have her privileges, and may indeed, succumb to sleeping with big wigs like Bhushan.
This is my #metoo about #tseries head honcho #bhushankumar. @MasalaBai @spotboye @mumbaimirror
I have to use a pseudonym for my own safety and anonymity pic.twitter.com/vkzoiZxkpS— #YouTooBollywood (@YouTooBollywood) October 12, 2018
In his defence, Bhushan Kumar has denied all allegations in a sternly worded statement. “I am appalled and anguished to know that my name has been dragged in this metoo by some anonymous person(s). The allegations against me are bad on the face of it. I have enjoyed an impeccable reputation and have always maintained professionalism. The tweet has been used as a tool to defame me and malign my reputation. I have taken this allegation very seriously and lodging a complaint with the cyber cell of the Mumbai Police to track the mysterious people(s) whose twitter handles have disappeared within seconds of uploading the malicious tweet. I’ll take all such actions as I will be legally advised,” he wrote.
Also read:Â Shocking! T-Series honcho Bhushan Kumar is now accused of sexual harassment